
Fuck Up

I fucking hate myself. I really do. I am trying to study but all I can think about is how much of a fuck-up I am, how much I suck.
I am a spoiled whiny white girl with no real problems. I have never been abused (sexually or otherwise), I have never had to deal with any serious obstacles, I grew up in a relatively happy and healthy family situation, there are a lot people who care about me, I never had to deal with extreme poverty (I've gone without but I've never been so poor that I had to quit school so I could work to give my family enough money to eat or something, we always had the food bank and stuff, etc.), I've never been raped or sexually assaulted or anything, I've never had to deal with ANY legitimate problems so why the fuck do I feel sad?
It's bullshit, I'm such a whiny spoiled white fuck-up and there is nothing good about me, why the fuck can't I be satisfied with my life? I have everything, I've never had any problems, other people deal with SO MUCH SHIT and I know people say shit like, "Everybody deals with pain differently and can deal with different amounts of pain," and all that but fuck, I'm so weak that I can't even handle my happy pain-free life? What the fuck is wrong with me?? I am SUCH A FUCK-UP I just want to cry and scream because nothing is wrong, NOTHING IS WRONG so why the fuck is everything wrong?

I want someone to hug me and let me cry and tell me I'm legitimate but I'd know they were lying. I fucking want to disappear.

1 comment:

  1. oh my, i would kill the plane pilot in order to take over the plane and to come and hug you so tight...Everyone feels like that...but some people don't even realize what you just did, they just whine and never realize.
    You are strong, never forget that everything in life is subjective;) pain, happiness, sorrow, EVERYTHING.
    Take good care of your beautiful mind&body and soul.


Thank you for your beautiful thoughts.